Tuesday 13 March 2012


# Based on the task given by the lecturer, Sir Kamaraziz, we are required to find 5 words that contains euphemistic or dysphemistic languages. From the TIME and The Bulletin's magazines, I have found some interesting words that can be share in this blog.

1) 'Though the Kremlin had no official response to the killing, the republic's governor said Aushev's murder could have been the work of local police carrying out a personal vendetta.'   
  • The word 'personal vendetta' means a long argument or disagreement in which one person or a group does or says things to harm another.
  • This word can be replaced with feud - to have an angry and bitter argument with somebody over along period of time

2)  'The admission underscored the degree to which the lawless region's moderates are caught in the cross fire between Islamist and a brutal counterinsurgency.'
  • The word 'brutal counterinsurgency' means action taken against a group of people who are trying to take control of a country by force.
  • This word is an euphemistic language as the meaning of the word just the same with 'terrorist' which means the use of violent action or the threat of violent action that is intended to cause fear, usually for political purposes.

3) 'The latest doubts about Chikarovski's future were provoked by Opposition frontbencher Peter Debnam calling on her to resign; he was promptly sacked as Opposition spokesman for treasury matters.

  • The word 'promptly sacked' means to be quit or dismiss from a job immediately.
  • This word means he or she can no longer continue on working there as being told by the company, usually because of something that have done wrong. 

4) 'Panadol and Panadeine brand painkillers valued at $50m were recalled from a shop shelves around the country after an extortionist demanding $70,000 from the manufacturer apparently laced some of the pills with strychnine.
  •  The word 'extortionist' means a person who commits the crime of obtaining something from someone using force or threats.
  • 'Extortionist' can be replaced with robber as it means a person who steals from a person or place, especially using violence or threats.
  • These two words shared the same meaning to get something not belong to him or her from someone else by using threatening and violence.
5) 'The sin-binned branches will be reopened in six months and all members will have to rejoin.'
  • The word 'sin-binned' means something that have been taken to a place away. 
  • This word means that all the branches have been disbanded, not operating or not being in a same group anymore because of the separating. 

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