Thursday 9 February 2012


This interesting horror movie is directed by Hughes brothers. Who are the actor and the actress??Hmm..well if I say Jack Sparrow in the movie Pirates of The Carribean, you can guess who is it right?Especially girls you must knew him, the man with the name Johnny Depp, he is the main character in the movie 'From Hell'. Played a character as Inspector Frederick Abberline, he is the one who responsible to investigate the murder series. The heroin?Well she is a beautiful woman, Heather Graham played role as Mary Kelly, a young prostitute who being friends with 4 others women (also prostitutes) and all of them except Mary Kelly were killed by the same person, same way of death.

the real murder, Sir William Gull, who is
the scientific adviser of Abberline   
What can I say about this movie, well it is really interesting. At first I thought it will boring. Then one of my friend said that it is about murder. Then I was like 'Ahh, I don't like murder movie..' But I just see it as I'm curious about the story-line. I think it is not too over if I said that it is the best horror movie ever. The story-line is very creative, unique, and catchy even with the title "From Hell" it can make the audients wondering and imagine how cruel it will be in this movie. And yes it is totally cruel. The murder that we are not suspect at all and then suddenly he is the one who killed many women to satisfied himself was only exposed at the ending of the movie. And guess what he even use his specialty as retired surgeon to kill those women. Means  that he misuse his specialty in a wrong way.

I can say that the director and the scriptwriter of the movie really done a great job for making a great movie because it is hard to make a horror story. All the actor and actress really good with their characters especially the inspector Abberline, Marry and the murder, Sir William Gull, and also the others who played important roles to make this movie more interesting. And this movie I would say first rate as it is different from other horror movie. It made us become curious to know who is the real murder?who will be kill after this?what will happen to the inspector and Marry?The movie does made us questions more and the ending tells us everything. The unexpected real murder, and the one who died is the hero, the inspector. I thought it was Marry who being killed by the murder, but unfortunately it is the dedicated inspector who is died. Well honestly I said I'm not happy with that. Sad ending..I don't like when the hero or the heroin is died. And even until right now i'm questioning why he must die and how he died?By just sleeping while holding 2 coins (he seems like knew he would die, so the coins  is to cover his eyes based on his belief), imagine his lover, Marry in somewhere place with a child (her friend's child) calling her mother. I expect that the child also will call 'father' to Abberline but unfortunately no. Abberline's friend found him dead because of opium overdose. A scary movie at first but a sad movie at the end. just a movie..:) I will give 5 star if I have to rank 1 to 5 about this movie. I would love to share "From Hell" movie to my other's friend and families; surely! ^_^

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