Saturday 28 January 2012


Most of us have no idea what’s really going on inside our heads..didn't we?

Estimates for the number of neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain range from 80 to 120 billion.

Human's brain divide by two sides which are called LEFT-BRAIN and RIGHT-BRAIN. Both of these have its own function so that the brain will work well.  

1) Function as an analytic thought                                     
2) Logic                                                                                  
3) Language
4) Science & mathematics

~Intrapersonal Skills 
- Relationship in yourself in tune with only one's very own concept of right and wrong as the basis of one's reality.

1) Function as an holistic thought
2) Intuition
3) Creativity
4) Art & Music

~Interpersonal Skills
- Emphatic to other's concept of right and wrong as the basis of one's reality.

                                            LEFT          +      RIGHT       
                                           BRAIN                BRAIN
                                   Synergistic Holistic  = EUREKA

Our brains are hardwired to make sense of what we see, hear, smell, touch and taste, and fill in missing pieces with whatever our expectations suggest should be there. This helps us understand sentences even when the letters are out of place. 
Using some 12 watts of power, the brain is responsible for every fleeting thought, split-second decision and complex judgment. And it has a few tricks of its own – and some ways to cut corners – when piecing together how we see the world.

#Now try to test your brain by identify and saying the exact colour of these words (not as what it write)as fast as you could..can you?

#Next, let's move on to these videos. Make sure you really focus when seeing this because you will never know what will happen next. Anything can be happen as not as you believe will be. So, watch it.
# Now can you understand the real situations? Sometimes things happen so quickly until our brain can't even detect it. You might think that you never have been fooled before this, but whether you have experiencing it or not, just get ready who knows you will be the next victim to be fooled..
So, let's tease our brain by keep it always work, make it function by thinking deeply, critically, and logically into anything happen around you; only then you will test how smart you really are..  

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